Download Snapchat Apk v10.3.0.0 Full version 2017
Free Download Snapchat Apk v10.3.0.0 Full version 2017 Selamat datang kembali sobat andronet pada kesempatan kali ini admin akan membagikan aplikasi android keren yang akan membantu anda dalam mempermudah mengabadikan gambar secara detail layaknya screen shoot aplikasi itu adalah Snapchat Apk merupakan aplikasi baru yang di kembangkan oleh Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, dan Reggie Brown saat masih di fakultas.
Snapchat merupakan aplikasi android yang mampu mengirim gambar layaknya edit foto tapi kita masih bisa terhubung dengan beberapa teman kita pengguna aplikasi yang sama hasil dari foto Download Snapchat bersifat sementara tidak permanent jadi setelah foto itu di lihat oleh beberapa orang maka akan dengan sendirinya foto itu memudar Keunggulannya adalah kita bisa berkirim foto dengan cepat dan merasa aman dan saling terhubung melalui sosial media.
Snapchat file Information :
- File name: snapchat v10.3.0.0-1047_Android-4.1.apk
- Version: (1047)
- Uploaded: March 3, 2017 at 4:34PM GMT+00
- File size: 72.82MB (76,353,241 bytes)
- Minimum Android version: Android 4.1+ (Jelly Bean, API 16)
- MD5: fd6c67c0e57206af72fb7d372c56fa9e
- SHA1: 2f89401874f1673451a441f8227a7f30d6a9fb85
Fetures apps :
- As mentioned above, Snapchat app just gives a glimpse of shared life events. The app will automatically delete conversations after they have been viewed. Company declares that those are actually deleted from their servers. So, no record is kept. But users who are the part of conversations may take snapshots of those conversations and save them on their devices.
- Snapchat requires Google Play Services (Google Settings) installed on your phone. With out that, the app will not function. When started for the first time, the app asks you to login to your Snapchat account or signup for a new account. So, you do need to be registered to use this app.
- The app supports sharing photos and videos that were taken with this app. Users can add captions while sending them to people.
- Snapchat Android app is a little heavier on system resources. So, make sure you have enough RAM available to let this app work properly without hanging device. Phones and tablets with at least 1 GB RAM and powered with multi-core CPU are recommended for using this app.
- The app is fully compatible with Android 4.0 and later OS versions. Latest Snapchat updates are fully compatible with Android Marshmallow 6.0. Unfortunately, this app will no longer work on Gingerbread and previous versions. So, you may need to grab an older versions APK to use it on old phones.
Cara Instal :
- Download Snapchat Apk nya
- Masuk ke Setting / Security / Centang Unknown Source
- Instal Apk nya sampai selesai
- Mainkan aplikasi ini di android kalian
Terima kasih atas kunjungannya kali ini semoga aplikasi ini bisa menghibur kalian dalam menjalink keakraban dalam media online terbaru Snapchat Apk Kunjungai juga game terbaru .
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